Private Limited Company

Company Registration India

How do I register a company in India? The eauditors online platform for company registration can help you complete the process in 10 days easily.

Private Limited Company is the most popular type of business entity in India. Over 20 lakhs companies have been registered in India as of October 2020 and 12 lakhs companies are classified as active. All companies registered in India are governed by the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) under the Companies Act, 2013. Each year eauditors helps register thousands of companies across India. The company registration process can be completed online on eauditors in less than 10 days with assistance from experienced incorporation experts.

Why register a company?

Entrepreneurs register a company in India to create a business that is well regarded by customers, suppliers, bankers and the Government. By setting up a company, an Entrepreneur has the ability to create a small or large business that can easily raise capital and scale seamlessly to any size.

How is a company better than a proprietorship?

The ownership of a company is represented by shares. Thus, the ownership of a company can be shared or transferred to any other Indian or Foreign legal entity or person. The directors of a company are also easily replaceable. Hence, on a company allows an Entrepreneur to easily raise capital and transfer ownership without any hassles.

How does a company limited liability?

A private limited company provides limited liability protection to its shareholders. In case of any unforeseen losses, statutory or legal liabilities, the shareholders of the company will not be held responsible. Only the Directors of a private limited company are held responsible in most instances for various statutory liabilities.

How can a company raise funding?

A company can raise equity capital from persons or entities interested in becoming a shareholder. Entrepreneurs can raise money from angel investors, venture capital firms, private equity firms and hedge funds. A company can also raise debt financing from banks, financial institutions and NBFCs easily.

How to Open Private Limited Company Bank Account

A private limited company is recognized as a separate entity with a dedicated PAN. Using the PAN and incorporation certificate of the company, an Entrepreneur can within days open a current account in any bank.

Reasons to Register a Company in India

Entrepreneurs choose to register a company due to various reasons. Two of the main reasons is that a company is a distinct legal entity having perpetual succession. Hence, a company is not affected by the death, insanity, or insolvency of an individual member. The following are some of the top reasons to register a private limited company in India.

Separate Legal Entity

As per Law, a company is an artificial judicial person established under the Companies Act. A company is a separate legal entity from its Directors and Shareholders. Hence, a company enjoys a wider legal capacity, to own property and incur debts – while the individual company members owe no liability towards the company’s creditors for debts.

Perpetual Succession

Perpetual succession means continuing or enduring forever., A company is considered to be legally active until it is wound up by its members through a legal process. Hence, perpetual succession denotes continuous existence of a corporation or company till it is dissolved legally. Thus, a company is unaffected by death or departure of any member.

Limited Liability

Limited liability is a legal responsibility towards a limited amount of debts. The liability of the members with reference to company’s debts are limited i.e.; limited to the face value of the share purchased by them. This limited liability protection is often not afforded to Directors of a company – who are held responsible for operation of a company.

Transferability of Shares

The ownership of a private limited company is determined by the number of shares held by its shareholders. Shares of a company can be transferred to any other person or legal entity in India or abroad, subject to the articles of association of a company and the shareholders agreement. The easy transferability of shares is one of the top reason, Entrepreneurs opt to register a company.

Owning Assets

A company can acquire, own, transfer any type of tangible or intangible asset in India. A shareholder is not eligible to claim the company’s property, as they are not owners of the company. A shareholder merely has an interest in the company arising under the articles of association of the company, measuring a sum for liability.

Equity Raising

A company is the only type of legal entity which can help the promoters raise equity funding from Angel Investors, Private Equity Firms and the Stock Exchange. A private limited company would suffice for raising equity funds from Angel Investors and Private Equity Investors. In case of listing or allotment of shares to more than 200 shareholders, a Limited Company would be required.